Outsourced Human Resource Management and Development

Outsourcing HR is the new norm



Outsourced HR that makes sense

The reality of many organizations and businesses is that having an inhouse HR function just isn’t affordable.  This does not mean that the need for this critical business function falls away… rather, what is often the case, is that it is ignored until HR damage control is necessary.  

Rescript Consulting has cost-effective retainer options for organization and businesses to reap the benefits of seasoned HR specialists, without the heavy salary accompanying such an appointment.  

Ultimately, Rescript Consulting aims at shifting each organisation’s metaphor regarding people that partners with us.  We aim to shift away from human resource management (we manage things and resources) to human leadership (humans aren’t resources or things – they’re people!).  Having said that, we still need intelligent systems, policies and procedures to ensure that resources, and people, are treated with due respect and dignity, while the business is also successful.  

1. Organizational design
2. HR Planning
3. Recruitment process and pipeline
4. Selection of candidates
5. Employee Value Proposition
6. Onboarding process
7. Performance management and
appraisal process
8.Engagement strategy
9. Diversity management
10. Training and development
11. Health, safety and security
12.Management development
13.Leadership development
14. Compensation and benefits
15. Documentation


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